When inclement weather is looming, BT Carawan has an action plan for your property. Whether its removal of debris or water runoff, let us help you with storm preparation and restoring your grounds to their manicured state after.
Hurricane Preparedness Week for North Carolina occurs in the month of May. The most active months for tropical systems in North Carolina are August, September, and October. However, hurricanes have impacted Eastern North Carolina as early as May and as late as November. BT Carawan is your partner for storm preparation landscaping in Greenville and beyond.
Along with regular maintenance of water management systems, we perform periodic inspections to ensure everything is flowing correctly.
While the safety of your family and pets is the biggest priority during extreme weather events, it is important to consider the safety of your property. Fallen trees are very dangerous and can lead to displacement and other expensive, longterm issues for homeowners.
Other services we offer during stormy weather: